Monday, 14 April 2008

New Tasks

To add to #34 (continuous photos)
Laundrettes, people on bikes, bridges, schools, people kissing, trains, street lamps, toilet flushes, locks, .lighting

61. Take a photo of the patterns on the seats of every mode of transport used
62. Draw an incident involving a local
63. Take a photograph/scan of everything that you aquire along the way
64. Write down a foreign phrase that you have used a lot
65. Collect crap postcards then photograph or scan in
66. Take a 'typical' holiday snap
67. Make a mix CD of music you listened to on your trip
68. Take a photo of yourself everyday
69. Take photos of yourself in internet cafes
70. Take a photo of people kissing
71. Go to the very back of the transport you're travelling on and take a photo
72. Take a photo of someone else's 'typical' tourist snap
73. Create a representation of a place by taking photos in a photobooth there
74. save and then scan in all the maps you have used

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