Wednesday, 5 March 2008

New tasks

53. Get a friend(s) back home to randomly text you or email you with tasks to do (set this up before you go)
54. Set your sights on a large bulding – i.e. the Eiffel tower, Empire State building, TV tower in Berlin etc. then start 5-10 miles away from it and spend he day walking towards it keeping it in your sight, instead of using a map. Document your day however you see fit.
55. Sit and draw a representation of what is around you – smells, sounds tastes, sounds etc
56. Spend a whole day listening to a place. Make recordings by Dictaphone/through drawings etc
57. Take a photo on the hour every hour of whatever you are facing. This could also be done every 15 minutes.
58. Take a photo of EVERYTHING you eat for the whole trip/for one place that you visit
59. Ask people what they think is a stereotype of that place (before you go), then set out on a mission to find and photograph them
60. Choose a particular place then take a picture of it early morning, mid afternoon, at sunset/dusk, and at night.

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