Saturday, 26 January 2008


19. If you make friends, ask them to do 3-5 tasks and email them to you
20. Draw/photograph all the kinds of moustaches and beards you come across!
21. Take a photograph of your footwear at the beginning and end of the trip
22. Make a list of things you lose and find along the way
23. Produce a comic of your day
24. Write about the experience of your whole trip overall, but only use the equivelent of 1 A4 side
25. Go to the cinema and watch a film in the native language then write a synopsis of what you think it is about
26. Persuade members of your dorm to elp you build a fortress out of beds, then document a day in the life of living in the fort as though it is a serious project (thanks to Mark)
27. Photograph/draw a popular tourist attraction in the middle of the day, then also at dawn.

more soon!

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