Wednesday, 23 January 2008


First of all, I am trying to create an art project combining art and travel. There are a lot of great books and websites around for practical information, but what about for trying to connect with different cultures through a different approach? There are some amazing artists/projects that have influenced my ideas, some i've found whilst researching my ideas, all of them have something that links them - trying to understand serious/cultural/social issues through the medium of art, if not visually then innovatively. mostly in fun ways, and sometimes seemingly random. we all have something more to say, consciously or subconsciously, and i'd like to create an opportunity for myself and others to be able to do that.

see these websites -

I'd like this project to develop into a network/submissive project so i'm compiling a list of tasks that i'll keep adding to. Potentially this could be some sort of website and activity book for others, as well as documentation of my experiences. They are 'tasks' that i want to complete whilst traveling (i'm going to test them out myself over a 3 week stint in Europe in March). Please feel free to email me suggestions! Here goes so far...

1. Take a photo of your own shadow but try for it to not look like you are taking a photo
2. 'Treasure Hunt' unknown treasure - write (me or the traveller)
3. Create a series of repetitive images using the bed-linen/patterns in your accommodation.
4. Spend a day/the whole trip actively ignoring tourist attractions and document the experience.
one suggestion is to walk upto the attraction then take a photo in the opposite direction.
5. Make a flag out of things you have found in a particular place e.g. the french flag made up from collected items in France.
6.Learn a phrase in every language of the countries you are visiting and write the responses you get.
7. Leave a self-addressed, stamped envelope in lots of places with instructions for the person who finds it to write on it and post it.
8.Photograph/document signs that have alternative meanings as a foreigner (thanks to Bernice)
9. If you want souvenirs, either do not buy them or buy a native resident's personal possession (eg at a market) and try and find out the history of it.
10. Take something from home then leave it at your first destination and pick up another. Do this repeatedly for each place, document and see what you end up with (thanks to Robbie)
11. Visit a place for each letter of the country you are visiting (maybe if you are just traveling around one country!) or just the first 3 letters on a big trip. (thanks to Thea)

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